Are you looking forward to invest in a home in Australia?
Can I buy a property in Austalia?
Yes. Should be a brand new property
What are the property types am I allowed to buy?
House and Land Packages
Under construction Apartments
Brand new Apartments
Brand new Town Houses
Am I allowed to take money out from Sri Lanka?
We can speak to few leading banks through our network and refer you to facilitate this process via legal channels
What is the recommended size of the investment?
To be confirmed based on your investment capacity, purpose, timeline and when funds are ready.
What are the property types am I allowed to buy?
Keep it below AUD 600K if possible. Investment
Can I take a loan?
Yes you could obtain a loan suject to approval criteria. Current rates are between 7-8% and are variable.
Loan Tenure - You can go up to 30yrs with major lenders provided you will be below 75yrs at year 30.
Can I do staggered payments?
Yes, for construction based projects, we can arrange same. Typically land settles first, then payments are made in 5 installments.
How about property's growth value?
Depends on area and the type of property you purchase. On average you can have gains of 7% to 10% p.a in most cases. However, you can take first mover advantage by choosing developing areas which can have over 20% growth in some cases. Pls follow Australia migration policy.
What is the time taken to complete the investment process?
Depends on what you purchase. If the property is already build ( but brand new) you could finalise the process between 2-3 months. House and land investments can take upto 1 year as construction time needs to be factored in.
What are some the tax and purchase cost components?
Stamp duty
Council Rates Taxes
Land Tax
Income tax depending on Income earned
Capital Gains Tax
How does Income tax/Capital Gain tax work?
We will connect you with our accountants when you are moving to the next step to discuss this in more detail.
What are the fees?
Fees under the property buying category can vary and may include below depending on the property being purchased:
- Engagement Fees
- Lawyers fees for FIRB approvals
- Lawyers fees for purchase facilitation
- Government fee for FIRB and Stamp Duty
- Accountant fees for structure set up if needed
If partially funded by a loan from Australia:
- Finance engagement fees for TFS
- Project management fee for TFS
- Bank and settlement charges
- Insurance if required
Can I get PR if I own a property in Australia?
Direct answer is NO. However you can grow a fund in Australia which can be an indirect advantage for visa purposes since you will be opening a tax file and paying tax etc.
What is included in your package?
- Property Sourcing , Negotiating and Acquisition
- Facilitation of Finance if required
- Facilitating FIRB Approval
- Appointing and Liaising with relevant professionals such as Lawyers, Accountants and Property Managers to finalize the property transaction to ensure FIRB approval obtained, structure is set up correctly, settlement attended to, property rented out and annual tax obligations are outlined and discussed clearly
- Construction process management
Invest in Australian Real Estate
Tomorrow Financial Solutions is here to take care of it all
Oliviya Lynbrook
Australia 108
Eliston Estate, Clyde North
Talk to us today!
Mr. CP Richards
Country Manager - Sri Lanka
077 734 9893
Ms. Prathishta Janathanan
Business Development Manager - Sri Lanka
077 641 1937